Thursday, August 19, 2010

Going Home to meet the King - Sunday Lunch with the Carter Family

I've referred to Nick Carter before in this blog, but I had the rare privilege to be invited to spend 'sunday lunch and beyond' with his family . . .  

When you meet someone for the first time, no matter what brings you together, if there's synergy then you'll be intrigued to know where 'the other one' came from . . . what makes them tick?

Nick was kind enough to drive across town to fetch me - a significant drive - made easier only because it was sunday and the roads weren't they're usual crazy self.

On the journey, we traded basic info. . . we're similar sort of age bracket. 
Turns out Nick's Dad was an Anglican Bishop. They had 33 homes in 15 years, and Mum did alot of work in the townships with mothers & children - trying to make things better through art and creative means.

{Interesting isn't it . . . how 'creativity' and 'art/artistic' seem to crop up when people have 'nothing'} 

Nick is an amazingly experienced professional musician, and his pedigree allows him to approach the highest calibre players as and when a project needs/warrants it.
The four photos below are from the track he wrote/produced for Madiba's 90th birthday, and there's a greater connection that I'll explain in a later post . . . concerning a personal letter written by Nelson Mandela to his Mother.

Main cover

. . . and a few pics taken around the homestead

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